Disclaimer: This quiz is intended as a humorous look at parenthood and is not intended as advice. 1. Your child’s teacher tells you that your child said_______________(insert inappropriate word here). Do you: A. Turn six shades of red and mumble something unintelligible. B. Blame your ___________ (insert relative here). C. Own up to it. (this may be combined with A). D. Relax and don’t panic. These things happen. E. Answers C and D Hint: If you use answer B choose VERY carefully. 2. Your potty-training child leaks on Aunt Mary’s __________.(insert location here). Do you: A. Turn six shades of red and mumble something unintelligible. B. Blame it on Aunt Mary’s ______________ (insert pet here). C. Own up to it. (this may be combined with A). D. Relax and don’t panic. These things happen. E. Answers C and D Hint: Answer B may not be used if Aunt Mary does NOT have a pet. 3. Your teething child bites Aunt Mary’s _________ and leaves a mark (insert object in the blank) Do you: A. Turn six shades of red and mumble something unintelligible. B. Blame it on Aunt Mary’s ______________ (insert pet here). C. Own up to it. (this may be combined with A). D. Relax and don’t panic. These things happen. E. Answers C and D Hint: As seen in question 2 answer B may not be used if Aunt Mary does NOT have a pet. 4. You were late, so you fed your child a donut for breakfast, and he/she tells the morning teacher about it. Do you: A. Turn six shades of red and mumble something unintelligible. B. Blame it on ___________ (insert new dietary study here). C. Own up to it. (this may be combined with A). D. Relax and don’t panic. These things happen. E. Answers C and D Hint: Wipe away the frosting before entering 5. Your four-year-old tells your neighbor about when you _____________(insert embarrassing event here) Do you: A. Turn six shades of red and put out a for-sale sign. B. Blame it on______________ (insert creative answer here). C. Own up to it. (this may be combined with A). D. Relax and don’t panic. These things happen. E. Answers C and D Hint: Anything seen or heard may be repeated. 6. Your neighbor’s child comes to your home and_________(insert embarrassing event here). Do you: A. Empathize with your neighbor. B. Take down your for-sale sign. C. Thank your lucky stars it wasn’t _________ (insert your child’s name here). D. Relax and don’t panic. These things happen. E. Answers C and D Hint: Remember this could be you! Let your parenting style and common sense dictate your answers. My personal choice is C and D. C. Own up to it. You’ve got this. No one is perfect and parenting isn’t always easy.
D. Relax and don’t panic. These things really have happened in one form or another to other parents, even to Aunt Mary. Don’t forget to smile.